The Sisterhood Of Sweat Podcast
"Do you have breast implants? Have you been considering them? In this episode we dive into the potential risks and dangers of breast implants, as well as signs to look for. We discuss loving yourself the way you are, and finding happiness in being the happiest, healthiest version of you without going under the knife."
The Sacred Medicine Podcast
The dangers of Breast implants:" I have an amazing interview today with Dr. Kayte Susse. She has had a remarkable journey since having breast implants. In this episode she shares her story of how how breast implants wreaked havoc on her body and shares what she knows about breast implant illness education and recovery."
Doctors Health Press
Episode 008:" Could Your Breast Implants Be The Cause Of Your Health Problems? Many women who have breast implants are unaware of the dangerous heavy metals that could be leaking into their bodies. These heavy metals could be the root cause of many health problems, and doctors seem to be overlooking this cause. If you have breast implants and are suffering from, or have been diagnosed with an illness, you need to listen to this podcast!"